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Yiming Gan

My name is Yiming Gan (甘一鸣). I’m currently an assistant professor at Institute of Computing Technologies, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Before joining ICT, CAS, I received my PhD degree from CS Department, University of Rochester in 2023. My PhD advisor is Professor Yuhao Zhu.

I do research in computer architecture, with emphasis on autonomous machines, including robots, autonomous vehicles and drones. I believe this is an exciting domain which may fundamentally change people’s life. Research has more to offer.

I always have openings for students. If you love to do research in building better software and hardware for next generation robots, and know how to program, send me an email at: ganyiming@ict.ac.cn. Prospective Students has more to offer.

Academic Background

  • Sep 2012 - July 2016: Beijing Institute of Technology, Bachelor of Engineering.
  • Sep 2016 - May 2018: University of California, Santa Barbara, Master of Science.
  • Sep 2018 - June 2023: University of Rochester, Doctor of Philosophy.

Selected Publication

See Publication for full list.


  • August, 2024: We organize a special issue on Journal of Field Robotics with title “Embodied Artificial Intelligence for Field Robots “. We welcome submission. Please check the CFP here.
  • July, 2024: I gave an invited talk Robotic Computing: Finding Generalizability in Specialization and Opportunity of Design Automation in Manual Design at Large-scale AI Chip Workshop, HKUST.
  • October, 2023: I presented an invited talk Building Efficient and Reliable Hardware for Autonomous Machines at 1024 Coder Festival.
  • July, 2023: I joined ICT, CAS as an assistant professor.
  • July, 2023: I graduated from CS @ UofR.
  • May, 2023: I organized Computing System Design for Humanoid Robots Forum at ICT, CAS.

Academic Services

  • Tutorial on SoC Modeling and Infrastructure at ASPLOS 2019, ISCA 2018 and IISWC 2018.
  • Publicity Chair of FastPath2021 at ISPASS 2021.
  • Web Chair of RSS2:Workshop on Robustness and Safe Software 2.0 at ASPLOS 2021, ASPLOS 2022.
  • Reviewer of IEEE CAL, IEEE TC, iScience, AAAI, ICCV, IISWC.